[s-cars] Online storage for the Scar group

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 19 11:26:29 EST 2006


We seem to have alot of large files we want to share, and no easy way
to share them that we know will stay available. I have opened up a
yahoo email account for just this purpose, and will start by uploading
the audi videos that I have to it.

If you have something to share email it to urs4audi at audi.com then
notify the group that it is available.

To access this account go to

Then log in using the following information:
The account id is urs4audi
The password  is scarmail

Please do not delete anything, if we run low on space we'll worry
about it at that time. I'll maintain the account by making sure any
spam is removed.

Please share what you think is worth having, any doubts poll the group.


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