[s-cars] Intermittent no start

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Wed Feb 22 01:33:46 EST 2006

Tom and Ron:  I recently helped a young S-car owner who lives north of
Toronto (Jonathan S) who had the same problem.  I pointed him to Scott
Mockry's website (www.sjmautotechik.com) and the diagnoses section to
get him to pull the codes. He pulled the classic 2113 CPS code and was
able to get a new CPS wholesale through a friend.  He has some skills
and was able to change the CPS without replacing the timing belt.  I got
Jonathan to do a write-up.  You can find this at:


I personally suggest that the CPS will fail anytime after about 160,000
km (100,000 miles) and on that basis it should be changed at or before
the second timing belt change (assuming an 80,000 km change interval).
However, if Jonathan can make the change without the timing belt coming
off, that suggestion may change.

What we need is an answer to Teddy's question.  Tony Curran - what have
you found out? Any updates?

Dave F.

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