[s-cars] Rear brake saga - The Questions have Ended!

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 25 02:26:08 EST 2006

--- Eric Phillips <gcmschemist at gmail.com> wrote:
> And to get those kind of lines, you buy an assembled line from someone
> who's done the appropriate paperwork, and sent the line samples to a
> lab that tests those sorts of things.  This says nothing about how
> good Ted's lines are.  It's all about CYA, nothing more.

true.  the DOT test is just a whip test that has zero relevance to
a properly supported brake line, but...

DOT-approved braided steel hoses have a spring support or other
method of preventing kinking of the hose near the hose end (the
most highly stressed portion) during the whip test.  that's the
only difference, and it has zero real benefit if you never allow
the calipers to dangle from the hoses (and you shouldn't).

> I've been talking with Matt at StopTech, and I think that he can help
> me out no matter which way I go - banjo or NPT.  One of the advantages
> of banjo is that you avoid line-twist issues that can arise from
> having to spin the whole line (as with NPT) as opposed to just using a
> bolt.

the fittings i use are earl's swivel-seal.  line-twist isn't a problem.
you don't need both ends to be swivel-seal.  just one.

i think people from BIRA have also gotten lines from paragon.  they
should already know the correct hose lengths and fittings to use.

> Hmmm - an NPT fitting would have essentially zero fluid flow
> restrictions, however...

i wouldn't worry about that.  there isn't much fluid flow in a
properly bled brake system, which is why you can use skinny little
-3 hose.


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