[s-cars] Dodging the bullet; a short story
Joe Pizzimenti
joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 08:01:14 EST 2006
Interesting story, were you using the Bosch F5DPOR's?
They don't make em (spark plugs) like they used to, I guess...
On 2/27/06, djdawson2 at aol.com <djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
> So... Had to do a couple of weeks work in the LA area, and I figured it
> was as good an excuse as any to take yet another road trip in the S. The
> trip from CO to CA went great... some fun fast driving, and even a bit of a
> snowstorm in UT.
> I worked my first week, and decided that over the weekend, I'd go up to
> the bay area to take a looksy at a pretty 850i 6 speed that I'd been
> watching. So I left LA after lunch on Friday, and headed north on "the"
> 101. (Important to note that in CA, highways aren't called I-5, or state
> route 101... they are called "the" 405, or "the" 215... always thought that
> was funny). About 200 miles north of LA, the car began to misfire on
> occasion. Hmm... I think I'll blow it off 'til I get there. Big
> mistake. About 30 miles later, the cylinder dropped out completely. I
> stopped, and popped the hood. After opening the hood, I was listening to
> what sounded like major head issues... akin to that of a broken valve
> spring, and a potential valve-hitting-head type noise. I unplugged
> injectors, and found #4 to be the culprit. It sounded really bad. I
> decided to get back in the car, and drive slowly up to the next exit.
> I parked at an Osh's store (kind of like a Home Depot) and borrowed a
> phone book. For about the 3rd time in my life, I was calling shops to see
> if anyone would work on my car. Since it was 3:30pm on a Friday, the
> answers (of no less than 20 shops in the San Luis Obispo area, and north)
> were a resounding "no."
> Next call... U-Haul... yep, I'd like one 14ft truck and a car trailer...
> one way to Denver. $1445? Sounds great... can you deliver this stuff to
> me? 2 hours? I'll be here. While I'm waiting, I decide to call up Javad
> and see what he's doing for the weekend. Turns out he's hauling a trailer
> down to LA in a couple of hours... but has to haul a car back, and wouldn't
> be able to work on my car over the weekend.
> Curiosity, and 2 hours to kill gets me thinking... So I pull the coil
> cover, and remove the #4 plug. Huh?? The spark plug is missing its ENTIRE
> center post... the whole thing, ceramic, metal and all. Well, I guess that
> explains the noise and the miss. So I decide to pull the valve cover as
> well, just to check the springs. Springs check out fine. So, I figure what
> the heck... and throw a good spark plug in there, and fire it up. Now it's
> firing on all cylinders, but still sounds very bad. At this point I'm
> assessing potential costs:
> Truck and trailer $1445
> Gas to CO $250
> Flight back to LA $300 (last minute and all)
> Looks like $2000. I decide the engine is barely worth $2k... and so I
> risk it. I figure the engine noise is the spark plug tip in the combustion
> chamber. The damage is probably done the the soft head material... so what
> do I really have at stake? So I let it sit there and idle. 10 minutes of
> idling, and the noise is 100% gone. I hop in the car, and pull out onto the
> 101, headed south. I decide I will "limp" back to LA (hopefully) and figure
> out what to do later. The cruise back to LA is entirely uneventful. Once
> in LA, I pull the #4 plug again, to see if it got damaged by the remaining
> shrapnel. Nothing.
> Feeling reassured, I continue south to Oceanside... and spend the night in
> a hotel on the shore. I get up in the morning, and proceed to drive to Lake
> Havasu... why not, all seems fine now. After some desert blasting...
> another miss begins. I pull off, and remove the #4 plug again. To my
> amazement, the post on this plug is starting to drop out. The hooked
> electrode is pointing directly into the "cone" of the post, rather the the
> little pointed tip. What is going on with these plugs? I replace it with
> yet another plug, and continue to Havasu.
> Tonight, I returned to LA... no more failures... yet. I've put a total of
> over 1000 miles on the engine since this strange disaster, and it is acting
> fine. At the end of this week, I'll try and return to CO.
> Happy... since I didn't blow the $2k to get the car home on a
> trailer. But I must say that I'm looking forward to popping the head to see
> what the chamber looks like.
> That's it for now... Gotta find a different type of spark plugs.
> Dave
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