[s-cars] Results from Searching for the Bosch "005" fuel pump

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Tue Feb 28 03:21:21 EST 2006

Never being one to give up, I tried a novel search approach: I went to
 Google and entered "Bosch 0 580 254 005" (weird huh?).  This yielded
 some very interesting results, including the application for the "005" pump:

A 1985-88 Ferrari 412i 4.9 litre V8 (Closest I will ever get to one) as found


Then I found a Bosch Pump cross-reference pdf:


And finally a 2006 Bosch Motorsport fuel pump price list:


No "005" prices but it does have the "044" price (in Euros).

Based on the price and the flow info I got from Javad, i.e. about 70% of
 the 044 flow and still 42 GPH (about 2.54 L/min) at 90 psi, it looks like a
 winner for a straight RS2 application with potential fuel delivery issues.

Dave F.  

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