[s-cars] Aborted UrS4 accelaration timings and Motec write-up

Tony Guttmann T.Guttmann at ms.unimelb.edu.au
Tue Jan 3 17:48:44 EST 2006

Dear Dave,

Temperature is not necessarily higher in Cairns. The weather has
been really weird. It was 45C in Sydney on New Year's Day.
The really crappy thing about Cairns is that one can't swim in the
sea in summer, due to the presence of lethal jellyfish!

The Motec write up will be posted I believe by
the list administrator.  Meanwhile, just go to my home page,
click on "UrS4" on the menu at left, and click on MOTEC write-up.

I will be posting an update after final tuning on Feb. 9th.

Best wishes,

Tony Guttmann
On Sun, Jan 01, 2006 at 10:18:03AM -0700, Dave Forgie wrote:
> Tony:  And those temps are in Melbourne?  My brother-in-law is in Cairns  
> so he's likely in even warmer weather.  Here in Vancouver it is a very  
> soggy windy and rainy 8 deg C.   
> Glad the fuel pump relay instructions worked out. For those that haven't  
> seen this, the instructions are at:
> http://forums.audiworld.com/s4s6/msgs/31970.phtml
> Tony: Don't forget that you are going to post a write-up about your Motec ECU.
> Dave F.

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