[s-cars] NOX emission failure

Robert Rossato r0ssat0_987 at att.net
Wed Jan 4 15:45:25 EST 2006

NOX is usually indicative of a catalytic converter failure.  Doubt he's replacing that for $200

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Pollock, Thomas" <thomas.pollock at amd.com>
> s-heads,
> what would cause a NOX emmision failure ?  (besides the shaddy mechanic on duty 
> of course...)
> My 100 failed and the ahem, mechanic said he could fix it for me but it would 
> cost me $200. He couldn't tell me what he thought the problem was other than 
> $200 would "fix it"...  a-hole.
> this is the second time he's failed me. The first time for a faulty license 
> plate bulb. I only went back cause the second trip is no charge after a failure. 
> First time I left with a nice RED "R"eject sticker, this time I left with a nice 
> GREEN "R"eject sticker.... I won't be going back next time...
> thanks for any info,
> tom.
> down to two Audis, from five !
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