[s-cars] RE: Speaking of Ipods NAC (long)

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 6 13:06:01 EST 2006

--- pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:
>>>So unless you're driving on a gravel potholed road at 
> rally speeds for an extended period, you shouldn't ever have a problem 
> with skipping again.>>>
> Dammit!  Crap!
> So, then...  what are my alternatives I ask?????????
> 8-)
> Bwahahahaha, muwhahaha.  Pardon.
> -Paul 1/2 kidding K.

if that is really an issue, you can use an ipod mini or
nano.  these use flash memory and are immune to 
vibration-induced skipping.  the downside is that the
largest storage you can get is 4 GB for the nano or 6 GB
for the mini, but that's still a lot more music than your
10-disc CD changer holds.  the mini will fit into a
regular ipod dock.  i don't know about the nano.


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