[s-cars] 1995 S6 front brakes (UK spec)

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 10:46:19 EST 2006

You didn't mention if you installed new brake pads when you replaced
the rotors.

If you didn't replace the pads, I would suggest doing so- the wear pattern
you indicate sounds like the pads were wearing unevenly.

When you install the new pads, did you apply some sort of brake anti-squeal
compound to the backing plate? Brakes squeal often from vibration of the
plate against the caliper. You can also do a slight chamfer to the leading
edge of the
pads, that should help as well.

Finally, the pad composition may have some effect on squeal- OEM compounds
usually pretty quiet, but I've found that even mild performance compounds
like the
Hawk HPS will sometimes squeal, especially if it's a large pad (yours
aren't, but anyway).

The newer ceramic compounds may also squeal- I replaced pads on our Beetle
with Axxis ceramic and they squeal on light pedal application.

There are brake-specific greases- I would recommend in the future to use one
of those
as they are resistant to high temperatures such as those experienced by the
brakes. If
the Castrol grease to which you refer is one of those high temperature
greases, then you
should be okay.


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