[s-cars] Deleting the Cam Position Sensor??

Mark Strangways Strangconst at rogers.com
Tue Jan 10 09:30:19 EST 2006

At that point why would U not just try to bump start it ? Or did U ?
I lost my starter very suddenly well out of town on a Friday night, so I 
just made sure I parked on a hill so I could roll it to start.
May take a longer run trying this method with out the CPS, but if it's revs 
that is all that's needed first gear would do that.

Mark S
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Powers" <sbpowers at gmail.com>
To: "Dave Forgie" <forgied at direct.ca>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Deleting the Cam Position Sensor??

Dave -

> So given all that, it MIGHT (I stress might) be possible to jumper the
> fuel pump relay when the cam position sensor fails and get the car to
> start.  It all depends whether the ECU programming has a protocol that
> prevents the ignition from firing as well as the fuel pump relay if
> there is no cam sensor signal.  If it does have that protocol, then only
> somebody who can modify the ECU could get it to work.  This would be
> expensive to pay somebody to figure it out.  Easier just to replace the
> cam sensor.

when the wire on my cam sensor broke, it behaved no differently than a
failed sensor. while debugging, I discovered that jumping the fuel
pump does no good because the ECU requires the presence of the signal
before it turns the injectors on while starting (likely below some RPM
threshold). I got around that by providing my own "fuel" in the
cylinders by squirting ether into the air intake. the car started and
ran just fine without the sensor - it was the starting ritual that was
the bitch.

my $.02

Steve Powers
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