[s-cars] Re: RS2 Turbo install

Mtgadbois at aol.com Mtgadbois at aol.com
Sat Jan 14 19:54:06 EST 2006

Maybe I got lucky or maybe the Audi gods were trying to make up for the POS  
I once had, an 83 UrQ, a veritable money pit.  My 95.5 S6 does not have a  
perfect body.  It a few door dings and scratches here and there and a  crease I'm 
not going to fix but every fastener comes out without a  problem.  There is 
no corrosion anywhere.  When I took off the  cylinder head did the timing belt, 
etc. there were no problems.   When I think of going to a "prettier" S6 I 
think of how much I've done to  this one, how much I would have to do to the next 
one and how well this one  comes apart.  So happily the S and I roll forward, 
now at 120K with  Mihnea's RS2 configuration, euro sport springs and 
Bilsteins and S6+ HIDs.  
Mark near Chicago sniping on ebay (not audi stuff)
In a message dated 1/14/2006 6:25:50 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
Strangconst at rogers.com writes:

Well, I  broke 2 trying to get them out with the double nut method..
Unless you want  potential headaches leave the turbo outlet studs alone.

I am not  talking about the EM hardware, as he is not putting an EM on.

Mark  S
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Mtgadbois at aol.com>
To:  <mlbess at optonline.net>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>;  <Strangconst at rogers.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:35  PM
Subject: [s-cars] RS2 Turbo install

> Mark wrote:
>  "The studs are not removable from what I recall, I  tried and  failed
> miserably"
> My reply:
> when I did the RS2  turbo upgrade I needed a stud for the turbo to 
> downpipe
>  connection.   I removed a similar stud from my old turbo  using  the 
> nut
> method. I also used a lot of WD-40 before and  during the  removal.  As I
> recall I found out that these  studs were also available  at my local auto 
> parts
>  store.  No special item.
> BTW, the exhaust manifold is  really easy to put on if the cylinder head is
> off.  Guess how I  know.
> Have fun.
> Mark near  Chicago
>  _______________________________________________


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