[s-cars] RE: 1988 Trans Am footage -- BitTorrent

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Mon Jan 16 09:09:17 EST 2006

Earlier, Lee Levitt wrote:
> Bill writes:
> > 
> > I've seen good and bad reviews of BitTorrent. I, too, am a 
> > little leery of P2P (peer-to-peer) software, after one of the 
> > kids mucked up my computer with KaZaa. Color me skeptical.
> > 
> Thanks Bill. That's all I need to hear. It takes too freaking long to
> disinfect a computer. Just not worth it. I'll wait until the clip hits the
> Imax theaters!

I wrote Brett and offered to host it on a high bandwidth server, same
as the earlier FA - it would then be available for FTP download.  

I need to find out where the file is first.  If somebody can email me 
saying that they have it, I'll tell them how to ftp it to me.

    - Charlie

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