[s-cars] (no subject)

John Farr alightman at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 18 12:18:22 EST 2006

What happened to the rumored 7 speed DSG option? I drove an A3 with  
this transmission and it was big fun! The thing I like least about my  
'02 S6 is the tip. It's pretty sporty for a slushbox, but at the end  
of the day it's still an automatic. It's the reason I don't lust  
after an RS6, so I guess it's good the prices aren't dropping into  
the range where I could afford one. The V10 S6 would be perfect with  
DSG. Someone needs to buy one and start depreciating it so I can buy  
it in three years or so.

'02 S6
'93 S4

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