[s-cars] Jhoser

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 20 12:31:56 EST 2006

mine's not weeping but i'm starting to wonder if this is
something i should replace prophylatically.  like the CPS,
the clutch master cylinder connecting rod, and the PSOs.
am i missing anything else?


--- pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:

> 2 things - thought I'd share what we all have heard already how Spokane
> House of Hose (www.spokanehose.com - no affil.) is great, and how f'n
> absurdly easy being a  Jhoser has been (er, so far - hose en-route home
> today).  Mine had been weeping from the hard line / insulation braise
> for quite some time, finally just pissed all over.  Time for repair, as
> I suppose I'd like to drive it again sometime.
> This now, coming from Idiot Boy me...  
> Put it this way, it took me longer to jackstand the car, take out the
> few tools needed, and pump the pedal 50x than hose removal did. 
> As we've previously heard Spokane's great.  Best cust. services
> experience I've had in *quite* some time.  Just great people to talk
> with, and handled this very well.  $6 for USPS priority mail (3 days),
> $61.50 to rebuild, and ~ $9 to return UPS for ~ Wed.  Same day
> turnaround once they received.  I asked them to paint it based off
> Forrest Bradshaw's recent post of his then rusting b/c he didn't spray
> his prior to install.
> Removal's a joke.  Pump pedal, crack bottom fitting to bomb (14mm IIRC -
> easy access), catch few piddles of drips, remove bolt.  Remove 14mm
> (IIRC) bolt into pump.  Remove 13mm (IIRC) hose mounting flange bolt
> right next to that.  Grab hose and slightly weave it through enormously
> vacant area in engine compartment and lift out.  
> 45 seconds.  Maybe.
> Wish every car repair were this easy.  I had the haunting thought about
> that yest tho...  something's gonna give.  My bet, my luck, install will
> be simple but then something ain't gonna work right after.  Like another
> leak or my pump is now fried.  Has to be the case, just say Audi just
> say Paul.
> Anywayz, thought I'd share - bearing homage to the Planned Obsolescence
> thing - this too will be you soon.  SHoH believes it to be a ridiculous
> mfg. defect, in their opinion.  Nice.
> -Paul Jhose near fixed but still a total hoser K.
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