[s-cars] S8 Question

Lewis Consulting lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
Sat Jan 21 19:34:58 EST 2006

Hi Guys,

After I was jonesing over an S8 I saw in Denver, wouldn't you know it, one of my best friends is looking to buy one ( this may be the first in Regina... actually drove it today.... very similiar to my 96, but a little tighter, probably like having a girlfriend 15 yrs younger than your wife .... just kidding !!!

Anyway, here are my questions I was wondering if anyone can help me with:  1) this is a 2002, tiptronic, seems in great shape with 72,000 km, and asking 56,000 Cdn., what would be a fair price for this? Think my buddy may offer 49,000 ...gee, this sounds familiar, did we just have some posts on this? yike and  2) Is there anything specific we should be looking out for, weaknesses, problems recalls etc?  He has a fleet of BMW cars and motorcycles and will likely be getting rid of his 1998 528i if anyone is looking for nice car.

Thks guys, 


Lewis Consulting

( (306) 536-8778  

* lewisconsulting at sasktel.net


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