[s-cars] Time for a trip west...Update!

Jerry Scott jerryscott at wispertel.net
Thu Jan 26 13:39:29 EST 2006

The write-up is in your mail basket.

Alvin Labonite wrote:

> Can you forward me that writeup too? Where exactly is that located?
> Thanks so much.
>> From: Jerry Scott <jerryscott at wispertel.net>
>> To: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Time for a trip west...Update!
>> Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:02:02 -0700
>> Elijah
>> This is likely your temperature control flap, servo motor that is 
>> malfunctioning and this is a common failure.  I have a write-up for 
>> changing it if interested.
>> Jerry
>> elijahallen92 at aol.com wrote:
>>> Hey all, the trip to Utah went smooth with no problems or tickets. I 
>>> have been skiing and snowmobiling as much as my body will let me. We 
>>> have changed our plans of going to Jackson Hole from here to going 
>>> to Colorado. We have been looking at land out there for a few years 
>>> now and thought this might be a good time to check out a few more 
>>> spots, also I want to ski Telluride and Wolf Creek. We'll be going 
>>> through Grand Junction and down through Telluride then down around 
>>> Durango and back up to Pagosa Springs and Wolf Creek. From there 
>>> we'll head for 25 north up through Denver and on to hwy 80 for the 
>>> long haul home. Hope to see some S-cars out on the road soon, I 
>>> haven't seen one yet. I haven't had access to the internet so for 
>>> those who have written me I was able to read your mails today and 
>>> thank you for the warm welcoming emails. We will be leaving Park 
>>> City in the morning Friday for the next leg of our trip. One thing 
>>> that has been acting up with the car is the heat sometimes comes out 
>>> cold even when the car is warm but only for a bit then it heats up 
>>> normal. Is this a heater control valve going bad?
>>>  Elijah (enjoying the sun and snow in the west) Allen
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