[s-cars] Re: 1.8t Coil Pack Group Buy Contact

Daniel Brook dannybrook at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 03:05:14 EST 2006


 I personally have a wholesale account with two local Audi dealer in
my area (Los Angeles). If Dennis's connections don't pan out, then i'm
more than willing to help. The only thing is that I have to place the
orders, so you guys would have to pay me first. The discount is
basically 15% off retail.


On 1/23/06, DGraber460 at aol.com < DGraber460 at aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 1/23/2006 2:53:06 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  forgied at direct.ca writes:
> Dennis:  The people cc'd on the CC list come from AudiWorld. In    response
> to an interest "feeler" post I made, they all expressed interest    in some
> form of group purchase on the 1.8 t coil pack hardware.
> I    don't know if you are still interested in providing this service to
> the    Audi community but I hope that you are.  I developed the    DIY
> instructions so anyone could do this as a grass-roots    solution.
> Apparently there is at least one company going to provide    complete kits
> at some time in the future but undoubtedly these kits will be    much more
> expensive that the DIY solution.  When they will do this is    unknown.
> They have been talking about it since the summer and still    nothing.  In
> the meantime, you have the opportunity to help people to    make this
> conversion now, rather than waiting.
> I leave it to the    people on the CC list to contact you directly to
> indicate what they are    looking for (two  people already have the 115 L
> coil packs).     Everyone needs connectors, etc.
> Good night and good    luck.
> (Historical reference intended).
> Dave  F.
> Sorry for the delay in my response on this.
> Today I was finally able to contact the parts manager, and it was as I had  expected but hoped against. His response was similar to " I have to order 1-2k  of anything to get discount pricing. We'll revisit as soon as I get this pile of  _priority_ off my desk". That was basically a no. The parts department had just  recently met their total gross number for calendar year 05, and I was hoping to  play on his desire to start 06 with a "volume" state of mind. How soon they  forget.
> I do have another source I'm going to talk with in the next 2 days and will  let you all know what I find out.
> Just so everyone is aware, I am approaching this the way I thought other  GBs were as well, and that is nothing in it for me but the satisfaction of  helping others and saving us all money. Also my way of paying back to all  those who have saved me so much over the years.
> Dennis
> Denver

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