[s-cars] Koni Yellow Settings

Djdawson2 at aol.com Djdawson2 at aol.com
Sat Jan 28 14:26:50 EST 2006

In a message dated 1/28/2006 6:31:12 AM Mountain Standard Time,  
munrof at sympatico.ca writes:

I set  mine initially at 1.5 turns and tighten them up as they wear. A set  of
fronts lasts about 90,000 km; the rears seem to last  longer.

Maybe I got lucky with mine... but I bought all 4 of my Konis for my 91 200  
20v quite a few years ago.  I put about 60k miles on the Konis in that car,  
and removed them when I sold it.  I then bought the 93 S4, and installed  that 
same set into that car.  I have now put 76k miles on my S4.  That  makes a 
total of 135k+ miles on my one set of Konis.
I adjusted them 2 turns in when I first intstalled them, and have never  
changed that adjustment... as they haven't seemed to change at all.
YMMV, but my experience with them has been great.

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