[s-cars] Tips on Odometer Bulb Replacement

Mike Fitton rfitton at vt.edu
Sat Jul 1 01:56:59 EDT 2006

What a coincidence...I just spent the last three hours looking at the
inside of my cluster.

As far as I can tell, it's one standard twist-lock bulb just like all
the others for backlighting the whole odo display.

Bulb number...  Shot in the dark, since I'm trying to get away from
incandescent bulbs back there, but it might be a #74.  I wouldn't
believe me on that if I were you...

Along this line, I noticed that Blau sells a kit of 23 bulbs for the
urS6.  I've gotten pretty good at counting over the years, and I sure do
only see 18 bulbs on the back and 4 empty spaces with factory-looking
tape over them.  Are they just nice guys sending me extras or am I
missing something?


Lewis Consulting wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Before I yank out my dash, is there anything I should know about replacing the odometer and trip bulb, tips etc?.... I assume there is just one as both are gone.  Is this a soldered-in bulb like the outside temp or is it like the others in the dash.  Anyone have the bulb # handy?  I have had my dash off for an ignition switch replacement, but have never done bulbs.  My dash has had the bulb upgrade, so that is not likely required.
> Thks guys !!!
> Randy  96//S6 ... pending CD err repair and intermittent miss diagnostic (damn)
> Lewis Consulting
> ( (306) 536-8778  
> * lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
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