[s-cars] Tired and Frustrated

Kevin Barnett bluevr6 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 1 11:37:19 EDT 2006

Put old plugs back in and did not resolve issue (even
though these plugs were not bad when pulled out).

I may just have to buy some more plugs and see what

BTW:  People have said not to reuse plugs, but if you
buy the cheapest WalMart Bosch Platnium plugs (~$1
each), you can take the crush washers off them and put
them on you $10 - $20 each OEM Bosch Plugs.


> At 90K miles many years ago - the dealer replaced my
> spark plugs and after 
> that I had a couple of misses at WOT. It took me a
> year of replacing a bunch of 
> stuff until I decided to replace the spark plugs
> again. The problem was cured 
> after that was done. you may want to buy a couple
> more spark plugs and swap 
> them around to see if that cures the problem. I had
> a miss about 35K miles later 
> and I put in new plugs and that also cured the miss.

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