[s-cars] Tat..Tat Noise in Engine

Max Hoepli mhoepli at vif.com
Mon Jul 3 20:18:45 EDT 2006

Mechanics and I use Castrol GTX 10W40 or 20W50

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Myers 
  To: Max Hoepli 
  Sent: 03, July 2006 20:01
  Subject: Re: Tat..Tat Noise in Engine

  The white smoke is most likely a small amount of oil burning off after leaking past valve seals overnight.  Not a major problem.  You are probably hearing lifter noise.  Slightly overfilling the oil level may help a bit.  Also switching to a good quality synthetic oil such as Mobil1 (if you haven't done so already) could help.

  At 07:27 PM 7/3/2006, you wrote:

    *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
    I have a MC engine in Type 44 Quattro, with turbo charger  with 285,000 km. when idling it makes a tat...tat....tat......tat.......tat...noise from top part of engine. When inside of car noise is not heard. Engine never overheats, starts immediately. Sometimes there is white smoke coming out of exhaust just after starting. I alternately fill tank with RON 89 and 91. What could problem be?...if any? Gasoline may be issue. Could Rislone additive help?

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