[s-cars] Tat..Tat Noise in Engine

Max Hoepli mhoepli at vif.com
Mon Jul 3 22:47:21 EDT 2006

Live in Toronto area
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric Rechlin" <eric at hpcalc.org>
To: <mhoepli at vif.com>
Sent: 03, July 2006 21:54
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Tat..Tat Noise in Engine

> > I alternately fill tank with RON 89 and 91.
> For the sake of your engine, put in higher octane!
> 89 RON is something like 85 or 86 octane by the way we measure it in the
US -- 
> (R+M)/2 -- where Audi recommends at least 91 (R+M)/2.
> I believe that in Europe, Audi says that you need to use at least RON 95.
> running your car with 89 instead of 95, you are risking serious problems.
> Incidentally, 85 octane (R+M)/2 is incredibly difficult to find in the US,
> since we normally only see 87-93 octane.  I've only ever seen it in high
> altitudes.  I assume you probably live in a country that has poor access
> good gas, right?  If so, maybe adding some toluene will boost your octane
to a
> more reasonable level, though it's rather expensive.
> Regards,
> Eric Rechlin

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