[s-cars] FW: Brake Light and Thrumming Pedal

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Fri Jul 7 18:57:08 EDT 2006

Thoughts from the Wise Men:

1.  Take a break, have a cold beer.  Let the work stress you induced
by moving the lines anneal themselves and re-align themselves with
the intergalactic forces.  :-)

2.  Let your neighbor attack the problem with a fresh outlook and
hands.  Sometimes a fresh look helps.

3.  The lines do deform easily, so one or two are probably holding
up the entire group.

And this final thought from me:
I have found the bonnet strut on both 95.5 cars with 121xxx serial #'s
rubbed on one or two top lines to the extent it rubbed the paint off the
lines and strut housing.  My 95 car with 025xxx serial # had no rubbing
with a two position strut.  All these cars have a two position strut now
as this makes accessing the cabin filter and blower much easier.

Do you think removing the drivers seat would make this job easier?
Consider that it can be removed in less than 30 minutes and consider
some may be a little older than you are.

Are you making pictures inverted or upright?  :-)   And, congratulations
on completing this tedious job with such great results.

Tom  '95 S6
           '95 S6 avant

> On 7/7/06 Douglas Fifield <douglas.fifield at gmail.com> wrote:

> Nearly the end of the saga.  The new servo is in, the bolts are tight,
> the lines are connected, the electrical connections are in place, and
> it runs.
> Didn't want to start, which was strange, but it finally caught and
> felt like it picked up one cylinder at at time.  Brake light went out
> right away, no visible leaks.
> Took it for a test drive and pedal feel was much better.  Two
> successive drives later of slightly longer distances and all appears
> well.  Much satisfaction.
> Only remaining problem is that I can't get the front, multi-line clamp
> back in place.  This is a plastic block with rubber insulated channels
> to hold seven hard brake lines.  I tried everything I could think of
> to get it in place with all the right lines in their little spaces,
> but could not get it to go.
> I am worried that there will be contact and wear between the lines if
> I do not get the block back in.  Any suggestions?  I did not
> disconnect the lines from the master cylinder.  I moved the MC with
> lines intact to back it out of the servo.  There may be residual
> displacement of the hard lines due to that.  If there are any wise men
> out there with thoughts, I would love to hear them.
> D.
> On 7/6/06, Douglas Fifield <douglas.fifield at gmail.com> wrote:
>> It's out.
>> Now, to see if I can get the new one in.
>> D.
>> On 7/5/06, Douglas Fifield <douglas.fifield at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Thanks guys.  I will try again tomorrow.  I think I know the hole  
>>> you
>>> are talking about.  I have peered through that little geezer many
>>> times but saw no nut.  Knowing that it is there and that is the  
>>> magic
>>> portal makes me want to go at it again.  I will take more pics and
>>> provide the promised write-up.
>>> The strut brace came off and I was able to slide the MC out of the
>>> servo.  It is only that one invisible nut that stands in the way of
>>> removal.  I don't even want to think about trying to get them  
>>> back on.
>>>  One worry at a time.
>>> I know I have said it before, but it bears repeating.  You guys are
>>> the best.  If it were not for this list, I would not be able to keep
>>> and drive the impressive and admirable S6.  If you are ever in the
>>> Twin Cities region of Minnesota, give me a shout and the  
>>> beverages are
>>> on me.
>>> D.
>>> On 7/5/06, Fred Munro <munrof at sympatico.ca> wrote:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Fred Munro [mailto:munrof at sympatico.ca]
>>>> Sent: July 5, 2006 7:54 PM
>>>> To: brian hoeft; Douglas Fifield
>>>> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
>>>> Subject: RE: Brake Light and Thrumming Pedal
>>>> LOL - easier typed than done for sure.
>>>> Doug, as Brian mentioned it's a lot easier if you remove the  
>>>> strut brace.
>>>> There is no problem removing and re-installing it. Pop the brake  
>>>> lines out
>>>> of the line clip and the MC should slide right off.
>>>> The hole is in the pedal mount housing itself. If you shine a  
>>>> light through
>>>> the hole you can see the last nut. Using 1/4" drive gear allows  
>>>> you to look
>>>> alongside the extensions and see to guide the socket onto the  
>>>> nut. If you
>>>> use 3/8" drive extensions you can't see a thing and have to go  
>>>> by feel like
>>>> Brian did. You'll need 3 six in extensions and maybe a 3". You  
>>>> put the
>>>> socket on one 6" extension and slide it through the hole in the  
>>>> pedal
>>>> bracket. Clip on another extension and slide it further. Clip on  
>>>> the final
>>>> extension and slide the socket onto the nut.
>>>> Good luck!
>>>> Fred
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: brian hoeft [mailto:qweblog at gmail.com]
>>>> Sent: July 5, 2006 6:36 PM
>>>> To: Douglas Fifield
>>>> Cc: Fred Munro; s-car-list at audifans.com
>>>> Subject: Re: Brake Light and Thrumming Pedal
>>>> hey, dude, i'll be home in an hour or so where i'll be able to
>>>> load/forward you some pics.
>>>> theres a rounded rectangular hole in the silver-metallic pedal  
>>>> bracket.
>>>> .. maybe you should back up, you might be looking past it.
>>>> its still not going to be easy. remember, attach as you go.  fred's
>>>> cooler than me cause i never saw them, i only felt them.  i even  
>>>> did
>>>> some of the searching with my eyes closed.  .. i used 3/8  
>>>> extentions,
>>>> fred used 1/4, whatever the case, if theyre through the bracket  
>>>> hole,
>>>> push until you hit firewall/servo then move cautiously till you  
>>>> feel
>>>> the nut,, pull back ever so slightly, then snatch it w/the socket.
>>>> ..easier typed than done.
>>>> //brian
>>>> O
>>> --
>>> Douglas in MN
>>> 95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
>>> 73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank
>> --
>> Douglas in MN
>> 95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
>> 73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank
> -- 
> Douglas in MN
> 95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
> 73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank
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