[s-cars] urS update bs

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Mon Jul 10 11:47:40 EDT 2006

Yah well okay then.  Last time I installed the Bosch generic $30+ O2 sensor
I had thought I torqued the piss out of it but then went to install a new
one Saturday and the dang thing could be hand unscrewed.  Doh!  (Note to
self, get the deluxe crimping tool too.)

And A/C now functions perfectly with temp sensor connector reattached.
Blower wheel is also squeekless since spraying in some Kroil graphite
elixir.  Will see how long this lasts but I think it will be longst based on
its' door hinge performance.  Smells a bit like oil but that's a small price
for not having to change the blower.

Did a sort of pre Sfest run to local Blackhawk Farms track yesterday wherest
I was able to take on some giggle gas at only 70 cents more than 93 octane.
Nrice!  Oh these esses run unbelievable at.. shall we say 85+.  yess

And finally I think a suitable nav device could come to the urS with this
soon to be sold Pioneer device:


Only 4"x3" and could possibly be just wedged in front of the instrument
cluster clock.  Hands free Bluetooth too for the cell phone obsessed.

That's all I got.

Bill~malfunctioning compass~M






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