[s-cars] PSO needed

Eric Phillips gcmschemist at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 15:16:47 EDT 2006

Oh, on a hardness scale, they fail way behind Ferrari (have to remove the
motor on some models).  But the fact that I had to really work at cleaning
out the wells, with a lot of compressed air, solvent-dipped rag on a dowel,
etc, made the job a chore.  More tedious than difficult.

On 7/11/06, Theodore Chen <tedebearp at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Eric Phillips <gcmschemist at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > The other hour I spent was changing the damn spark plugs.  (Thanks to
> Dave
> > F. on that as well - the tool list was very helpful.)
> what was so hard about changing the spark plugs?  i thought the '92 S4
> was the easiest spark plug swap i've ever done.  remove a couple of allen
> bolts and the cover pops up with the coils attached.
> i just changed the plugs on the biturbo S4, and it was much more of a
> pain to do.  i had to remove the intake snorkel, airbox, washer fluid
> reservoir, and some other hardware to get the coilpacks out (which are
> each bolted in place with two bolts).  putting the airbox back involves
> fastening the last clip which is buried low and by the firewall, and
> apparently audi mechanics frequently just leave the last clip unfastened.
> i was able to fasten it with a coathanger.  but it was definitely a lot
> more work than changing the plugs on the UrS4.

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