[s-cars] 92 100 Airbag/ABS lights - lower door trim

s.richter at comcast.net s.richter at comcast.net
Tue Jul 11 20:54:57 EDT 2006

A coworker of mine just got a 92 100 for free (It could be an A6 - hard to tell the difference).  The cowl drains were clogged and he had a major water leak into the car - 3 inches.  After vacuuming the water out and leaving the car in the sun for a couple of days, he finally started the car and everything seems to be working - Except that the ABS and Airbag lwarning lights stay on.  My VAG will not communicate - I suspect the car is too old.  Any thoughts on how to reset these other than disconnecting the battery for a day or two (may not work either)?

S-car content -- one of my lower door trim pieces is looking a little dog-eared.  The inner structure seems to be rusted.  How are these pieces held in? $60 at the dealer seem to high?



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