[s-cars] Bosch 13913 plug

Jerry Scott jerryscott at wispertel.net
Thu Jul 13 14:52:06 EDT 2006

There is a part listed as 95-7394-CP, but when I tried ordering it, I 
get a message that my cart is empty.  They must be out of stock on this 

Igor Kessel wrote:

> Jerry Scott wrote:
>> Bill
>> This appears to be a harness and not just the connector.
>> Jerry
>> Bill Mahoney wrote:
>>> Folk's
>>> I think this may the correct part no. for the three wire  95-7395-cp
>>> available here:
>>> http://pointe-products.com/Items.asp?query=yes&Search=95-7395-cp&x=36&y=13 
>>> Dunno for sure it's correct though.
>>> This is a great Igor find since we been lookin for these seemingly 
>>> forever.
>>> How nice will it be to just plug n play O2 sensors huh? Thanks Igor! 
>>> Bill~O2~M
> Folks, I have just noticed that it is a 95-7395 whereas mine is 
> 95-7394. Beware! It might be of a smaller diameter! The parts guy took 
> my sensor to match it up with the existing connectors but came back 
> empty handed: they were all of a smaller diameter. He had to order 
> mine, it was 16 bux and change.

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