[s-cars] The Audi as a Fiat +danger Will Robinson

Joe Pizzimenti joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 16:26:41 EDT 2006

Regarding the Alfa news...

Check out Autoweek<http://www.autoweek.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060713/FREE/307130001/1024/rss01&rssfeed=rss01%29http://www.autoweek.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060713/FREE/307130001/1024%28Link:%20http://www.autoweek.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060713/FREE/307130001/1024/rss01&rssfeed=rss01%29/rss01&rssfeed=rss01>

You'll only have to wait until the bitter end of 2009 to get your hands on a
nice little Alfa, which is good, because by then you'll have your wagon
sorted and want a car with all new quirks.  :)

On 7/18/06, Bill Mahoney <wmahoney at disk.com> wrote:
> SteVo,
> A very nice dribble of wordsmithing you have made here.  I couldn't have
> said it better myself.  In fact I was thinking of writing something
> similar,
> but let's just go with yours.  Yes.
> I must add that some of those new Alfa's, due here by the next decade,
> remind us why we like curvy styling and things that go along with it.
> Also-
> There may never be another Sfest so don't miss the opportunity to attend
> what could be the finale and put some faces with the banter.  "Sometimes
> ya
> just gotta say, shoot; I'm goin'"
> In a related yet unrelated matter, $4.90 a gallon Sunoco 100 is now just 8
> minutes north of my office.  Oh god, oh lord, oh no.  The friendly
> stranger
> moves into the hood.
> http://www.sunocoinc.com/site/Consumer/RaceFuels/260GT100Locations/
> There now everyone can be hooked.
> Bill~bad gas mileage and tires that wear too quickly~M
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