[s-cars] Parking curb, meet my wallet.

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Wed Jul 19 16:49:14 EDT 2006

The lower grills will look just fine if you just drill a couple of 
small holes and attach the grills along their top edges using short 
sheet metal screws.

At 04:42 PM 7/19/2006, Sean Douglas wrote:

>I just had my front bumper repainted and I had the bodyshop repair the
>little vertical plastic supports, I think 3 or 4 of them were broken
>(not me - previous owner).
>As long as the vertical supports are not missing, then it's a straight
>forward fix with the right type of adhesive. I'm not sure what its
>called, but I can try and find out. If they are missing, then try and
>find a sacrificial bumper from a breaker and cut them off.

urS6 for sale: http://chips-ur-s.com/S6.html

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