[s-cars] The Audi as a Fiat

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Wed Jul 19 22:32:38 EDT 2006

I had a W124 series MB for a brief period, the 2.5L td. A real 
rock of a car, but it was a generation or two behind Audi in terms 
of interior features and ergonomics.

I liked the car, particularly the 35mpg at any throttle/speed 
setting, but never felt like more than a visitor while I drove 

As soon as I sat in a C4 A6, I felt like I was home again.

So the Mercedes went.


Taka writes:

> I can see why some people are so enamored by the '80s Mercedes 
> (like you, I
> still want a 500E).
> Ironically enough the only Mercedes that qualifies for PCA 
> membership. :-)

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