[s-cars] Parking curb, meet my wallet and other bumbper stories

Lewis Consulting lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
Thu Jul 20 03:04:15 EDT 2006

Hi Matt,
You are not alone, probably most of us have been there and done that, it is a bitch to get
"unhooked".... after you get it off, you have to laugh at how comical we must look, but not that
funny at the time.  I was lucky, pulled the belly pan out and almost broke it bending it to get back
in... did rip a few of the attachments clips out, but my lower grille still manages to stay in...
not sure how, but it does.  What would really help is an extrication process ... I struggled for 15
minutes and then finally said f-it and backed up... let her rip as I was thinking.... just get me
off of this thing.   This is almost as comical as me backing into my wife's van in my own
driveway.... smacked it pretty good, amazing how fast you can get going in 20 ft. ..... took me an
hour to pull the back bumper back out !!
good luck on the repair....


Lewis Consulting

Ph.: (306) 536.8778  

Email: lewisconsulting at sasktel.net




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