[s-cars] So here's the story...

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Sun Jul 23 02:07:46 EDT 2006

The sad truth... throwing a cylinder head at this car is likely not going to solve any problems, but just bring others to light.  If "doc" drove this thing on a long trip, used 1.3 gallons of water... which appears to have gone in the crankcase from the comments made... this engine will be suffering from more than just head issues.  If it was run for a substantial period of time with mud in the crankcase, you can bet your last dollar that the rod and main bearings are trashed.  This car will need a complete rebuild to insure a reliable return to service.
About the parting out...  Yeah, they are neat cars.  But look at the facts:  With the list of "toys" on that car, not a single person bemoaning the disassembly of said car, would ever consider paying what has been put into it.  Audi has built only 2 cars that could be considered as *possible* collectibles: the Sport Q and the UrQ.  The UrS will never be collectible, and slowly but surely, Audi will stop supporting them and parts will be unavailable.  Like it or not, the life of the UrS will come to an end.
The most economically viable solution for the owner is to strip it of the goodies, and sell them off separately.  If it were mine, that's what I would do... it's simple dollars and sense.  On the other hand, I would also take the car and make it a runner in stock form, and then sell it complete.
But that's just me.
-----Original Message-----
From: docwyte at comcast.net
To: elijahallen92 at aol.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] So here's the story...

I know it was well cared for, I have a stack of receipts on the car.  Some 
appear to be missing tho, as I don't have the receipt for the headwork, tranny 
work and RS2 stuff that ASW did.  I plan on calling them and seeing if I can get 
those receipts.  I do have the receipt showing the leather on the drivers seat 
being replaced and then again when it got redyed.

I just had the two front seats redyed again actually.

There are two things that are holding me up from just fixxing the car and 
enjoying it.

#1  This coolant loss problem has been dogging the car for almost two years now.  
I don't want to put $1000+ into the head, put it on the car and still be losing 
coolant.  At that point, I'll be steaming.  (pun intended)

#2  The cost of a rebuilt head.  I'm not comfortable just buying a used head and 
putting it on the car.  If I pick up a used head, I'm going to take it to the 
machine shop, have it checked and resurfaced, then rebuild the head.  At that 
point, I should just buy one from 034.

Can someone explain the whole 7A head thing to me?  Will it be cheaper to buy 
one of those, have it rebuilt and drilled by 034 vs just buying a 20vt rebuilt 
head from 034?

I'm more than a little peeved at the person I bought the car from (not Jim!) as 
I'm positive he knew about this and didn't tell me.  When I informed him of the 
problem and asked him to take care of it, he told me to go pound sand.  (in so 
many words and he refuses to answer my calls or emails now, so I can't ask him 
any more questions about the service history of the car while he had it)

I had the car inspected by a well known shop before I bought it and they gave it 
a clean bill of health.  I'm hoping I can come to some sort of solution with 
them about this...

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: elijahallen92 at aol.com 

 Jim Fisher is my uncle in law. That car was very well taken care of and was one 
of the main reason I bought these cars. Fix the car, it will be worth it, its 
hard to find these cars that were taken car of like that one was, he replaced 
the drivers seat leather twice for gods sake. The Fisher family live and breath 
audi's, if I could get all of them together for a picture it would be 
incredible, I can think of over 20 audi's just in the immediate family including 
our two. I really hope you find a solution, I just sold the last extra head that 
I had so I can't help but they are around and you should be able to pick one up 
for under $1K (I sold my last stock one for $800). Good luck,


-----Original Message-----
From: docwyte at comcast.net
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 7:31 PM
Subject: [s-cars] So here's the story...

I bought Jim Fischer's old car.  However, I didn't buy it from Jim, I bought it 
from the guy who bought it from Jim.  This guy lives out in Cali.  Apparently 
from what I've gathered, the car was using coolant before Jim sold it.  

Autosportwerks rebuilt the head on the car to solve this problem.  Then Jim sold 

the car.  Shortly after that it was losing coolant again.  2Bennett said it was 
the turbo and the turbo was replaced.  Supposedly that did solve the issue.  A 
month later, the t-belt snapped.  6 months later the head was off the car again 
for a reason that I can't ascertain.  

6 months later, I buy the car.  It uses 1.3 gallons of water on the drive back 
home, engine temps are fine.  Pressure test the coolant system and it loses 
coolant over a few hours.  Pull the plugs, plug 5 is wet.  Pull the valve cover 
and it's full of chocolate milk.  Drain the pan and coolant comes out.

The head is off the car now and I'll be sending it to a machine shop.  I expect 
to hear that it's warped or cracked or maybe both.

I'm not adverse to keeping the car, in fact, I'd prefer to, as I like it.  
However, I don't really want to put $1250 for a 034 head into the car.  If 
someone has another option for me to get a good (ie, not a used head that needs 
a rebuild) head on the car for a more reasonable price I'm all ears!!
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