[s-cars] installing a hybrid turbo

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Mon Jul 31 15:36:30 EDT 2006

The lines for the oil and water are fairly simple to deal with.  You can simply buy a kit (Javad), or do it yourself.  To date, I've prolly made a half dozen or more sets... varying from full SS to simple silicon hose versions.
Making hose sets has become popular, as it is now easy to find oil return flanges for the T3/T4 hybrid Garretts on ebay at very reasonable prices.  Those used to be the tricky parts to find, and quite conveniently, it turns out that the dimensions of that flange are the same as what is required down on the block.  If you intend to use a GT series turbo, it is a different flange.  The rest of job uses fitting that are easy to find and order from Summitt and various others.
The water line you mention behind the timing belt...  I've always simply cut off the existing metal line, and clamped the hose to it.  It's "cool" to run a line all the way the the water manifold, but is really overkill.  After all, all of the other water lines on your car are secured with simple hose clamps.
-----Original Message-----
From: tedebearp at yahoo.com
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 12:57 PM
Subject: [s-cars] installing a hybrid turbo

have any of you done this yourselves?  what's involved?

i've heard that the hybrid turbos requiring custom oil lines can be
difficult to install, because the lines run behind the timing belt.

looks like my '92 needs a new turbo, and i'm trying to decide whether
to look for a stock turbo, some kind of upgraded KKK turbo, or a
hybrid turbo.  or maybe just sell the damn car and be done with it.


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