[s-cars] NAC, thoughts on copper prices

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Mon Jun 5 14:13:12 EDT 2006

I guess I'm a little behind... but I'm doing some remodeling on my home.  Off I go to Home Depot to buy a 250ft reel of 12-2 wire.  $102!?  So, I'm told that copper prices have gone through the roof (probably following the oil company business model).  The current price for scrap copper is now at $3.72 per pound.
This gets me thinking... what does 372 pennies weigh?  So, off to the super accurate and recently purchased refrigerant scale.  Turns out that 372 pennies weighs in at 2.1204 pounds.  In other words... 372 pennies turns out to be worth $7.89 on the scrap copper market.  This is a large return on investment.  Anybody want to go into the penny melting business?

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