[s-cars] Sandblasted 95 S6 headlights

JAM jscarstuff at charter.net
Tue Jun 6 08:57:52 EDT 2006

As far as the Importvision lights go, S4 headlights don't fit an S6.  I 
wouldn't recommend them unless you had lights from a C4 100 you wanted to 
replace.  The single H4 bulb really won't hold a candle to a good working, 
clean set of S4 or S6 lamps.  Just my opinion.....I'm sure others differ.
My opinion of the Euro lenses are that they are new glass and that always 
helps.  I heard from others how much the lenses helped the high beams and 
they do in a respect, but hurt in another.  It seems that the "improvement" 
that others are loving is that on highbeams, the lights throw light farther 
down the road that the US spec lights permit.  This seems to be due to less 
fluting in the lenses to distribute the light.  The downside that I've seen 
is that it throws less light in the periphery.  I drive country roads at 
night and miss the peripheral vision I used to get but do enjoy the extra 
light down the road.  Anyway, its all about preference so your opinion may 
Good luck with the upgrade.
Jason Mawhinney
'95.5 S6 avant
'87 5ktq

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <auctionpics at cox.net>
To: "Sean Douglas" <quattro20v at telus.net>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Sandblasted 95 S6 headlights

> Kool i wasn't sure that ECS had S6 lens but i see now that they have
> different numbers for S4 and S6.
> still cant find them on the puma page,can you help point me to them
> also can i but the cheap whole S4 euro lights from importvision and
> change the lens with the ones from ECS and still have everything fit in
> my S6?
> again thanks for any help dave
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