[s-cars] [urq] NAC, thoughts on copper prices
David Glubrecht
daveglu at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 7 03:02:25 EDT 2006
The biggest problem besides the legality problem is that for quite a while
pennies have been made out of aluminum with copper plating. I believe that
this started in the eighties. It did start long enough ago that most pennies
in circulation are this way.
Take a knife and scratch one.
OSB $5 three years ago, $17 two years ago, just dropped below $9
Sheetrock I am sure it has doubled in price in the last year mostly the
last month
cement jumped two years ago to over $100 a cu yard but has stabilized
Various things are being blamed, but mostly China.
Building a huge dam, massive devolopment, etc.
OSB I heard was being sent to war torn countries.
Dave G
----- Original Message -----
From: <djdawson2 at aol.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>; <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: [urq] NAC, thoughts on copper prices
>I guess I'm a little behind... but I'm doing some remodeling on my home.
>Off I go to Home Depot to buy a 250ft reel of 12-2 wire. $102!? So, I'm
>told that copper prices have gone through the roof (probably following the
>oil company business model). The current price for scrap copper is now at
>$3.72 per pound.
> This gets me thinking... what does 372 pennies weigh? So, off to the
> super accurate and recently purchased refrigerant scale. Turns out that
> 372 pennies weighs in at 2.1204 pounds. In other words... 372 pennies
> turns out to be worth $7.89 on the scrap copper market. This is a large
> return on investment. Anybody want to go into the penny melting business?
> Dave
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