[s-cars] Air con gas for 1996 S6

Darin Nederhoff editor at s-cars.org
Wed Jun 7 10:15:30 EDT 2006

In U.S. cars the switch from R12 to 134 took place during 1993.
You can usually spot the difference at a glance... the photos below are
both '93 models.

R12 car:

R134 car:

Pop quiz...  the difference is????



On Wed, June 7, 2006 8:46 am, Robert Rossato said:
> That label may only apply to the North American market, and Iain is in the
> UK, but it definitely is R134A.  I believe the last year for Freon R12 was
> '92.
> Bob

Darin Nederhoff

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