[s-cars] Help with the Evil T shaped coolant connector

manuelsanchez at starpower.net manuelsanchez at starpower.net
Sat Jun 10 21:12:27 EDT 2006


When you re-assembled yours, the clip went in with a little
hand pressure?

I have tried assembling the pieces without the 'O' ring, so
that the sensor sits even further down in the socket, but the
clip still doesn't fit.

I had to cut the sensor out of the old plastic t fitting to
remove it, so I can't try to reassemble all the old pieces.
Not ever doing this before, I thought the sensor might screw
in, when it just spun and spun, I tried pulling it out with
some needlenose pliers. It didn't want to come out, and I
didn't want to break the plastic on the sensor, so I hacked
the old connector plastic away to expose the sensor. Thats
when I discovered it's just a compression fitting, with the
retaining clip holding things in place.

It seems to me that the clip rests at the junction of the
cylindrical part of the blue plastic and the metal cylinder of
the sensor.  The rectangular part of the blue plastic sensor
is slightly smaller in width, and the clip fits much easier
around that portion, but I don't think that is the proper
place for 2 reasons,

1. The green wiring harness connector would interfere with the
installation in this location (I think)
2. The sensor and O ring would have to sit even further down
in the socket. I've already used alot of my weight (180lbs) in
pressing down on the assemble in an effort to mash the sensor
as far into the socket as possible.

And yes Bill, I did remove the old 'O' ring and installed the
new one. I even tried using the old 'O' ring - No Joy.

Here is a link with some pictures I have X-posted to Audiworld.



-manny "still puzzled" sanchez

---- Original message ----
>Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 15:02:46 -0700
>From: "Sean Douglas" <quattro20v at telus.net> 
>Subject: RE: [s-cars] Help with the Evil T shaped coolant
>To: <manuelsanchez at starpower.net>, <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>Hmm, the clip should go on with little hand pressure, are you
sure the
>sensor is all the way in?
>The coolant capacity is 9.0 litres.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com 
>> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of 
>> manuelsanchez at starpower.net
>> Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 1:14 PM
>> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
>> Subject: [s-cars] Help with the Evil T shaped coolant connector
>> S-heads,
>> I have experienced the evil and often described catastrophic 
>> failure of that crappy T-shaped plastic coolant connector 
>> component that is located at the rear of the engine, next to 
>> the firewall.
>> Here is an amazing point, I was literally on my way to the 
>> dealership to pick-up 2 new versions of the plastic piping 
>> that I had ordered last week when the thing let go on the 
>> highway.  Fortunately, I made it safely to my sisters house 
>> before the temp gauge went beyond the 3/4 mark. I hope the 
>> temp sensor is accurate enough to prove me lucky.
>> For those of you in the know, I have removed the large green 
>> retaining clip from the failed plastic component, hacked out 
>> the male part of the sensor that fits in one of the T legs, 
>> installed new o-ring, installed male sensor back into new 
>> crappy plastic T connector.
>> I am having a hell of a time reinstalling the big green 
>> retaining clip that keeps the male end of the sensor from 
>> shooting out of the plastic thing.  Anyone care to share the 
>> trick to get that F-er in there?
>> Reinstallation of that clip does not seem as simple as
>> removal. I compared the old and new plastic parts and they
>> seem to be a match.  I chave tried easing the clip on using a 
>> bench vise, but it seems to be placing alot of stress on the 
>> plastic components and just doesn't feel like the right
thing to do. 
>> No Bentley available at sisters house.
>> Oh by the way, how much coolant does the cooling system take 
>> when filled. Owners manual does not state the capacity of 
>> coolant in the "Capacities" section, but it does tell you how 
>> much windshield washer fluid it will hold.  Crapola.
>> Thanks for hopefully a quick response.
>> -manny
>> 95.5 UrS6 with ZERO coolant. 
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