[s-cars] O2 Sensor Replacement?

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 12 22:00:43 EDT 2006

--- "J. Khang" <jhlk99 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> > "Special" tool is a US$20 O2 sensor socket, with a
> > big slit on the side that allows for the wires.  Or
> > you can cut the wires at the O2 sensor and use a
> > regular socket (and hope the sensor comes out).
> You can use an angled ring spanner if you have one.
> Just unplug the sensor and thread the wire through the
> ring. That's how my mechanic got it off.

a crowfoot wrench also works.

but the O2 sensor socket was only $6 at my FLAPS, so that's what i
got.  not all cars have easily accessible O2 sensors, and the socket
has come in handy.

by the way, if you have problems with the socket slipping because it's
opening up (the slot weakens it), put a hose clamp on it after putting
the wire through the slot.


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