[s-cars] Check Engine Light/No Start

Gregory Wolters gjwarch at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 15 13:32:56 EDT 2006

Hi Ron,

I apologize... I'm getting old.  I've done this twice
now.  I'm in denial that I smashed my DRIVER'S side

So, what I need is a driver's side fender in green for
a 94 S4.

Thanks everyone!


--- Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>  I've got a pass side fender in Green. Shoot me a
> mail.
> Thanx
> Ron
> 90 80q 20vt AAN project
> 90 V8q 3.6 not stock
> 93 V8q 4.2 "The Green Monster"
> & a Porsche 944 F.S
> ***Side note...I'll all so be posting up parts from
> a
> 93 S4 on the marketplace soon. 
>  Some things are all ready spoken for like the
> obviouse Motor/wiring harness/ECM, along with the
> next
> most obviouse the Carbon Fiber trim.
>  & I'm keeping the tranny/front axles/drive shaft/ &
> pedals & linkages for a Standard from Auto
> conversion
> on my Green 93 V8. Oh & the front seats are all
> ready
> in my V8 & they look great some of my Conn Brotheren
> will attest to that. I'll all so be keeping the IC
> for
> the White guage faces in my other V8 but I only need
> the faces so if anyone nees a circuit board or other
> IC stuff I'll have it.***
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