[s-cars] bump in the night

J.N.TILDEN at comcast.net J.N.TILDEN at comcast.net
Fri Jun 16 17:34:59 EDT 2006

Robert wrote:
Monday evening while driving home from Huntington (~110 miles) the 
engine ('95.5 S6 AAN-RS2ed w/ 1.8t coil conversion + other goodies) 
bucked once.  It felt like the ignition just cut out very briefly - ...

Mine did the same thing many times, except that now is dead-dead-dead.
Initially it appeared to be temp related, it would restart after a cool down, but eventually if refused to start. No codes, Brain is out for diagnoses.

I have ruled out failure of the coils as they are all dead, so must be a control issue.
Replaced both the flywheel sensors with no change. I'll keep the list advised of any progress here.

Tow bill got pretty big!


1995.5 S6 Avant w 1.8T coil kit etc
Seattle, WA

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