[s-cars] 2.5 Eurovan crank &..

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 16 17:36:03 EDT 2006

 Ha inside joke...but Mr Jones got a hold of me about
my options & others as well on the motorgeek site & I
think I'm going to go this route(& if any ones got
suggestions feel free to voice them),
92.8 crank
widened HG
Scat rods 144mm
Garrett BB Gt turbo probably going with the 3071. What
you guys think?
Weisco pistons 29.6mm CH what would be the wrist pin
header probably a Lovefab looks sexy as hell
Intake Manifold, would like to hear some info on this.
034MS 2C 20vt package
plug in coil packs for the 2C
head machined, valves, seals, HD Valve springs,
lifters, port/polish
Exhaust will be tremendous, & flow like a
 & some other this & that stuff.
 Hope to achieve around 500WHP?

 All this motor will be going into a 90 80q!
 Any & all info greatly appreciated.
90 80q 20vt AAN project
90 V8q 3.6 not stock
93 V8q 4.2 "The Green Monster"
& a Porsche 944 F.S

--- mlp on D530 <mlped at qwest.net> wrote:

> Go ahead Joe.  Rub it in.  Wish I could offer some
> BTDT ..... unfortunately
> it's never happened.  There is, if Ron wants to
> search, a fair amount of
> information in the list archives on 2.5 "stroker"
> lore, and there is,
> waiting in the wings Hap's project in the making
> with Dave Jones.
> HTH someone, but so far the best I can offer is only
> either good luck, or 
> ..... does some one what to buy a lot of expensive
> parts?  :-)
> Mike
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: s-car-list On Behalf Of Joe Pizzimenti
> >
> >Paging Pedersen...
> >
> >On 6/15/06, Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Listers, I can get a 2.5 Eurovan crank. So I'm
> all

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