[s-cars] NAC - 400 HP VW Beetle on Audi TT chassis

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Tue Jun 20 11:44:45 EDT 2006

Ever since the mid-90's people around heren (Vancouver), e.g. Ron's Parts Inc (RPI) for example) have been adding "syncro" floor pan sections 
and drive trains to Golfs.  RPI built a VR6 Golf Syncro this way years ago.  
I am sure Marcel and the boys at HPA have got ways and parts 
connections to do the same with a  Beetle or late-model Golf chassis 
without necessarily involving a TT.  (or a wrecked TT (front end damage) 
became a floor pan donor). 

If you can measure accurately, use a plasma torch and TIG weld, the
 world is your conversion.

Dave F.

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