[s-cars] soldering in chipsets

Marc Gorelick marc at frogville.net
Tue Jun 20 13:50:32 EDT 2006

The only thing I'd add to this is that it's a good idea to use a clip-on 
heat sink on the chip you are soldering. That way you don't overheat it 
if you keep the iron on the thing for too long.

Mark Strangways wrote:
> I just dove in with a soldering iron, solder vac and some desolder braid.
> I am not too smart and not scared of much, but all in all I have done a few 
> with out problems.
> I do SMT chips as well, but they are a bitch at times.
> If you have shaky hands, and poor constitution... farm it out. Otherwise, 
> take a chance..
> YMMV, I will not be responsible for your damaged ECU... blah blah.. you get 
> the idea.
> IMHO, it just ain't all that bad.
> Mark

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