[s-cars] Crank Pulley GB

Jerry Scott jerryscott at wispertel.net
Fri Jun 23 11:24:08 EDT 2006

I just went to the site and looks like the price is: $95.64.  How did 
you get a price of: $62.90?

Mark Pollan wrote:

>I just placed an order at http://www.magauto.com/ .  Price was $62.90 and at
>checkout there was no shipping charge.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
>[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Tom Green
>Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 10:55 AM
>To: pkrasusky at ups.com> <pkrasusky at ups.com
>Cc: bob at chips-ur-s.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: [s-cars] Crank Pulley GB
>I didn't mean to point fingers, just looking for the best price.   
>That's the name of the game for a GB.  On a -20% buy from Park Place  
>Audi in MN they would get
>to me for $61 each, then $4.50 priority mail to individuals.
>This is not the making of a GB since any Audi Club member can order  
>individually for the same price and perhaps a couple of dollars more  
>shipping.  A couple of
>dollars saved on shipping is not worth the hassle of collecting  
>payment and parcelling out packages.  A group buy for delivery at s- 
>fest or similar gathering that
>would avoid shipping costs would be an alternative possibility, since  
>nobody is contemplating ripping the car apart and installing this  
>part until the timing belt is
>That's my input for this one.  Call Park Place Audi for the quattro  
>club members price of $60.98 at 1-800-745-1358, or let's get together  
>and hand them out.  It takes
>a $500 order for free shipping (9 units), so the NW or Vancouver  
>group may be able to put their own together.
>Comments/suggestions invited.
>On Jun 23, 2006, at 7:48 AM, <pkrasusky at ups.com> <pkrasusky at ups.com>  
>>Mr. Meyers-
>>NOoooooooooooooooo, it 'twas Domo Oregato Mr. Rossato who said $45  
>>_or_so_...  to me...  months ago.  You just may have also said it,  
>>but later 8-).
>>Whatever the price, those who are doing or will be doing tbelts  
>>*need* them, so $45, $68, who cares.  "Oh, the part that will save  
>>my engine is going to be a whole $23.00 more expensive, oh, OK, in  
>>that case forget it then"??????
>>Let's GB the suckahs...
>>Thanks Tom.
>>From: Robert Myers [mailto:bob at chips-ur-s.com]
>>Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 7:55 PM
>>To: Tom Green; s-car-list at audifans.com; Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
>>Subject: Re: [s-cars] Crank Pulley GB
>>I was the one who mentioned $45 _or_so_.  That figure was from  
>>rather vague memory from about two to three years ago and may well  
>>contain quite a bit of "_or_so_".  It came from the parts  
>>department of Star Motors in Clarksburg (Bridgeport?), WV.  My  
>>wrench may well have sold it to me at his price.
>>At 07:49 PM 6/22/2006, Tom Green wrote:
>>>I don't mind calling Clair and a few others about a quantity buy,
>>>but I gave the list on that part, so I wouldn't expect we could
>>>command a better price than - 20%, or $68 in individual hands.
>>>Now, if those who have bandied about that $45 figure would step
>>>up and tell where to execute that buy, then such an effort could be
>>>successful. :-)
>>>>I previously wrote:
>>>>Is that the 034-105-263-A pulley that lists for $76.39?  If so, we
>>>>may be
>>>>looking for a group buy of those $45 pulleys.  :-)
>>>>I paid $68.75 in Feb.
>>>>Parts direct at s-cars.org has a 054 105 255 A crankshaft pulley  
>>>>but I think that is the serpentine belt pulley that is bolted to  
>>>>balancer ? or timing belt pulley.
>>>>PK offers:
>>>>I smell another GB...  count me in, since you're offering 8-).   
>>>>we've got a number here that would already be in, and  
>>>considering the
>>>>CPS GB success, this would likely be similar?  Someone, go for it?
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