[s-cars] [s-cars} Was Bad CPS - Now Bad Crank Pulley

mtgadbois at aol.com mtgadbois at aol.com
Fri Jun 23 11:41:56 EDT 2006

Sorry to hear of your problem.  When I did my forced timing belt replacement 25K miles ago I replaced the harmonic damper and timing belt gear.  I wrote an email and posted it here and at AW.  You should be able to search for it.  Essentially, my fault was caused by the small bolts holding the gear to the damper coming loose and destroying the gear.  I believe it was aggravated by the vibrations of the AC compressor on its way out.  I ended up buying the damper and gear from Shokan.  The gear looked pristine and the damper looked fine.  When I put it together I used blue locktite. So far so fine.  I may have an advantage - I do my own work - I trust myself.
Good luck.
Mark near Chicago
Dave wrote:
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 21:33:28 EDT
From: HOOG23 at aol.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] [s-cars} Was Bad CPS - Now Bad Crank Pulley
To: tmullane at gmail.com, trgreen at comcast.net
Cc: S-CAR-List at audifans.com
Message-ID: <527.c6c83e.31cc9ee8 at aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

The CPS wouldn't be covered because it is not specifically mentioned as  
'covered' in the extended warranty agreement.  I see that "timing belt,  
tensioner, harmonic balancer and retaining bolt and crankshaft pulley" are  
listed as 
covered.  (I do note that "electronic ignition module,  distributer and coil, 
and engine management control unit" are  covered.)

This warranty company is so bad that when I tried to get them to cover  the 
outside temperature display unit (which is listed as covered) they declined  
since 'light bulbs' in general are not covered.

The $412 part is the harmonic balancer - apparently the rubber part of it  
failed.  I still cannot visualize the whole assembly.  Has anyone  heard of this 

going bad?

Actually up until yesterday my Service Advisor said that they only had 3  
'billable' hours of diagnoses into the car - which included the CPS  
installation.  He said he had many more hours but would not charge and that  the 
person who they would let work on the car was the shop forman because  he was 
only one familiar with the older 5 cyl engine.

Today I had to deal with a new SA since the original one is off for the  next 
few days having surgery.  When asked again whether the CPS  was going to be 
covered under the extended warranty he said that they  never actually installed 
a new one - they had only checked it.

So from what I can figure they are probably only giving the car partial (if  
that) attention and this is why it has taken so long for the diagnoses.   Its 
just frustrating that I don't seem to get a straight answer or the  answers 
are conflicting.

I know that if I had taken the car to my regular mechanic it would have  been 
a different story.  However they will not deal directly with the  warranty 

So if I can get out of this for my $100 deductible I will be blessed, I  
imagine though that the inspector that the warranty company is sending will  
try to look for a way out of covering the claim on their part.  

Only thing that sucks is no car for probably 2 weeks and who knows what  kind 
of cosmetic damage it will probably suffer in their cramped lot.
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