[s-cars] What does this icon on check display indicate?

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 23 12:05:48 EDT 2006


I just checked my owner's manual, if it is a circle with an x acroos it
and a small rectangle on the top (tail maybe?), then it sounds like the
icon for "headlight and/or tail light is defective.

Should be safe to motor on....


--- Ivan Demkovitch <idemkovitch at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Folks,
> Don't have manual at work, wife just called that 
> icon that looks like "o" with a tail on top periodically illuminates.
> It's not brake pad indicator, something else.
> What is that and how dangerous to keep driving car?
> Thanks,
> Ivan
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