[s-cars] Whats leaking? Between gearbox and torsen..

CLAG500 at aol.com CLAG500 at aol.com
Sat Jun 24 11:25:12 EDT 2006

My guess would be that you have some dripping from the slave. Looks too  thin 
to be trans oil and trans oil most definitely has a smell. You can see in  
this picture that anything dripping from the slave would end up where you  are 
seeing it. 
You could reach up where the slave is and see it there is any fluid there.  
The slave is the piece with the s-shaped hard line going in to it. 
In a message dated 6/24/2006 10:30:25 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
idemkovitch at yahoo.com writes:

I'm  not even sure if it's stinky or not. I don't smell anything. And no, may 
be  it's no a LEAK but this is only leak I'm aware of on this car. And I hate 
 them. And I will fix it since transmission will be out anyway.
But  it seem like it's coming between gearbox and torsen(?)
Did  anybody have this kind of leak?
Is  there online ETKA where I can look up part numbers?



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