[s-cars] Rear Calipers Seized My Day

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Sun Jun 25 22:24:13 EDT 2006


When the e-brake cam is properly freed up, it will return to the stop on
it's own without the hairpin spring and e-brake cable attached. If it does
this and still won't return with everything hooked up, the cables have too
much drag. If it won't return on it's own without the spring and cables
hooked up, it isn't free enough and a rebuilt caliper may be your best bet.
I pop up the cam on the rebuilts to check the shaft for pitting. If the
shaft is pitted, I show the parts guy and reject the caliper. At the most
I've had to reject two before a new caliper showed up for the price of a

The cable housings eventually fail at the outboard rubber mounts and water
and dirt get in and bind the cables.


Fred Munro
'94 S4
'97 S6

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Brian Powell
Sent: June 25, 2006 4:14 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] Rear Calipers Seized My Day

So, I now suffer from the dreaded rear caliper seize. I removed the
spring, popped out the cam, cleaned it, lubed it, pushed it in, popped
it out numerous times. I can turn it with my hand; however, once I
engage/disengage the emergency brake, it still won't release.

I can reach up there, turn it slightly (about 1mm) with my finger and
then it is released; however, the spring can't seem to get it that
extra 1mm. The e-brake cable seems loose enough.

I have to fly out in the morning so I can't spend any more time on it;
however, whilst it sits for a while, I will use that time to figure
out my next move. Rebuilt calipers? Try to repair it myself? It just
seems like if the spring had another 1-2 pounds of force, it would get
the cam fully open and there wouldn't be a problem. Does this mean the
piston itself is "sticking?"

Thanks for your wisdom, oh might list.

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