[s-cars] NAC - Garage Drainage Issue - Joe?

Mark Pollan mark.pollan at verizonbusiness.com
Mon Jun 26 17:03:06 EDT 2006

Yeah, I'm really looking to keep the water out rather than drain it from the
garage.  Partially because I do not like doing the backstroke while changing
my oil but more importantly the studs holding up the headers are getting wet
quite regularly.  The never sit in a pool of water but over the years this
is gonna be bad.  These are not pressure treated to boot.  The slot cutting
for the drains does not phase me, it's the mixing and pouring of the cement
to secure everything that will be the PITA I think.

Joe, I'm not following with the plywood.  Are you saying to put some cold
patch under something shaped like /\ and run over it?  Since this is at my
garage bay(s) I have a very discreet span of compression by driving over it.
I have a tamper but keep having visions of stepping on chewing gum.



-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Steve Powers
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 3:36 PM
To: David Kase
Cc: Mark Pollan; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] NAC - Garage Drainage Issue

David -

> You can drill some holes through the driveway to the stone below.  If
> you make them where the grates will be, no big deal...
> A friend of mine actual did this in his garage to let the snow melt off
> and drain.  Works great if you get the holes at the low points.

that would work but unless you own a concrete drill (sizeable impact
drill) this isn't so easy. you're lining yourself up for multiple
hours of vibration, dust and mental anguish. besides, if you're going
to rent one you might as well rent a concrete saw instead. use it to
cut slots for the drain and simply install the drains.

Steve Powers, owner of a sizeable concrete drill and driller of many
holes...  <ughhh>
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